Monday, November 9, 2009

Chicken Fried Rice

This is pretty easy!
A tasty rice that uses left-over chicken scraps.

What you need:

- Cooked rice (instant works fine)
- Soy sauce
- Garlic poweder (or chopped garlic)
- Vegetable oil
- Mushrooms (if you want) *
- 1 or 2 eggs (depending on how much you want)
- Chicken, chopped

* You can choose any vegetable you'd like in there, as long as it's finely chopped. Green onions would also be good.

Heat the skillet with a bit of oil on medium heat. When the oil is hot, throw in the mushrooms and let them cook for a few minutes until they're brown.

Add the cooked rice with a little bit of water and garlic. Stir constantly for a few minutes.

Add the chopped chicken and the soy sauce to taste.

Now, comes the "tricky" part. It's actually quite easy. Push the rice to one side of the skillet. Break the egg and drop it in the cleared space. Stir constantly, until fully cooked, so the eggs get scrambled. When that's done, mix in with the rest of the rice.

The egg is not fully cooked at the end of the video. When it's not runny anymore, it's cooked.

And there you have it. Fried rice!

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